Foreign Minister received the Member of the Senate of the Republic of Poland

20 September, 2014

On September 20 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received Lukasz Abgarowicz, Member of the Polish Senate and Head of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Armenia, who arrived to Armenia to participate in the 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference.

Minister Nalbandian welcomed Senator Abgarowicz’s visit to Armenia and Karabakh underlining that such visits give an opportunity to get a first hand information and objective impression about regional processes.

Expressing gratitude for the reception Senator Abgarowicz assured that he will continue his work towards enhancement of relations with Armenia. Polish Senator told the Minister about his impressions from his visit to Karabakh.

The two discussed the ways of development of Armenian-Polish relations, emphasized the role of inter-parliamentary ties and stressed the necessity of their intensification.

The interlocutors touched upon the steps, aimed at further expansion of Armenian-Polish economic relations, in this context they underlined the role of inter-governmental commission, whose next session is planned for the end of this year in Warsaw.

Minister Nalbandian and Senator Abgarowicz also exchanged views on intensification of cultural contacts and widening of decentralized cooperation.

Edward Nalbandian presented the guest Armenia's approaches to the regional issues and the ways towards their solution.

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