Ambassador Kirakossian Participated in the Ceremony of Signing a Joint Declaration on Cooperation between the UNIDO and the EEC

30 October, 2014

On October 30 in Vienna the official ceremony of signing a joint declaration between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the Eurasian Economic Cooperation was held. Permanent Representatives of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan as well as Armenia, Ambassador Arman Kirakossian, were invited to the event.

With the signed joint declaration the sides express their commitment to deepen intensive cooperation between the UNIDO and the EEC in the areas of mutual interest such as business entrepreneurship, innovation, trade capacity-building, environmental management and energy.

From the UNIDO side the declaration was signed by the Director General Li Yong and the EEC was represented by a Member of the Board-Minister in charge of industry and agriculture Sergey Sidorsky.

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