Foreign Minister received the Vice President of Japan International Cooperation Agency

31 October, 2014

On October 31 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received Kae Yanagisawa, the Vice President of Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Welcoming the guest Foreign Minister Nalbandian noted: “Armenia attaches great importance to the development of comprehensive cooperation with Japan. The visit of President Serzh Sargsyan to Japan in 2012 and the reached agreements gave a new impetus to the bilateral relations.

Today we can state with satisfaction that the political dialogue is on a high level, trade and economic cooperation is expanding, cultural and educational ties are being activated. We welcome the establishment of the Embassy of Japan in Yerevan which is scheduled for the next year and which will surely bring contribution to the enhancement of bilateral interactions.”

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Ms.Kae Yanagisawa noted that Japan is interested in developing friendly cooperation with Armenia and is determined to undertake further steps in that direction.

The sides agreed that during recent years Armenian-Japanese relations have been experiencing a dynamic growth, there is an effective ongoing cooperation in the areas of prevention of natural disasters, energy and agriculture.

Expressing gratitude for the consistent support of Japan to the development of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian underlined that the programs of Japan International Cooperation Agency stand out in terms of their efficiency and utility and further are including more areas.

During the meeting the sides had an exchange of views on organizing business forums.

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