Meeting of the Foreign Minister of Armenia and the UK Minister for Europe

03 November, 2014

On November 3 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian met the UK Minister for Europe David Lidington who paid an official visit to Yerevan.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian said: “Armenia attaches great importance to the development of the relations with the United Kingdom in the bilateral and multilateral formats. I should mention with satisfaction that during the last years we have seen an activation in the political contacts and I believe that trend will be continuous.”

Expressing gratitude for the warm reception, Minister Lidington stated that the United Kingdom considers Armenia as an important partner and the purpose and message of his visit to Armenia is to give new impetus to cooperation with Armenia.

During the negotiations the Мinisters discussed the ways to deepen the cooperation in political, trade,economic and other areas.

In that context, Edward Nalbandian noted the visible growth of the interest of British business to develop trade and economic ties with Armenia in recent period.

The sides shared the view that the improvement and strengthening of the legal basis as well as the effective use of more than a dozen signed documents play an important role in the development of the relations.

The Ministers stressed that an inter-parliamentary cooperation, which is quite active, has its unique place in the development of bilateral relations.

Edward Nalbandian and David Lidington touched upon the issues related to the bilateral cooperation within the framework of the international organizations.

Minister Nalbandian presented to David Lidington in details the efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries towards the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue as well as the results of the Paris summit which was held a week ago. In that context the Minister for Europe of the United Kingdom noted that his country supports the conflict settlement negotiation process in the frameworks of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

The agenda of negotiations included a number of issues, in particular, the developments in Syria and Iraq and in the Middle East in general, the negotiation process around Iran’s nuclear issue.

The meeting of the Ministers was followed by a joint press conference.

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