Newly appointed Ambassador of China hands copies of his credentials over to Foreign Minister of Armenia

10 November, 2014

On November 10, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received the newly appointed Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Tian Erlong on the occasion of handing over copies of his credentials.

The Minister congratulated the Ambassador on the appointment and underscored that the Armenian-Chinese relations are on a high level in the result of the joint efforts and both sides are interested in their expansion and deepening. Minister Nalbandian wished success to the newly appointed Ambassador in his mission and stated that he is hopeful that he will contribute to the strengthening of the Armenian-Chinese cooperation.

Ambassador Erlong expressed his gratitude for the reception and kind wishes and noted that China attaches importance to the comprehensive development of ties with Armenia, and assured that he will make maximum efforts for promoting the Armenian-Chinese friendly relations.

The interlocutors reflected on the efforts made in the direction of activation of the political dialogue, trade and economic cooperation, scientific, educational and cultural ties. In this regard, Minister Nalbandian thanked for the continuous assistance of the Chinese side for Armenia’s development.

Edward Nalbandian expressed with satisfaction that the establishment of school with advanced Chinese language course having regional importance will contribute greatly to the development of cooperation in the scientific-educational and cultural fields between the two countries.

At the course of the meeting, the sides touched upon the bilateral cooperation in various international arenas, as well as pressing regional and international issues.

Minister Nalbandian introduced the joint efforts made by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries aimed at the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

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