With the presence of President of France the launch of program of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was given

28 January, 2015

On January 28, Co-ordination Council of Armenian organizations of France (CCAF) held annual dinner, which for the first time was attended by President of France François Hollande.

President was accompanied by the members of the Government of France, State Secretary for European Affairs Harlem Desir, French Secretary of State for War Veterans and Memory Jean-Marc Todeschini, Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo. Ambassador of Armenia to France Vigen Chitechyan, Ambassador of Armenia to Switzerland Charles Aznavour, high-ranking officials of state and municipal authorities of France, parliamentarians, senators, heads of French Armenian organizations and clergymen.

President of France delivered official speech, in which, particularly, called upon Turkish authorities to make efforts to face truth and expressed hope that 100th anniversary of Armenian genocide would be a reason to pass through new stages on the path of recognition of facts and give new impetus to the process. Speaking on the Armenian genocide, François Hollande mentioned, “Freedom of speech, that we wish to protect at any cost, never is to become a tool for distortion of reality” and it “would never tolerate justify crimes against humanity.”

Regarding the Nagorno-Karabagh issue, President Hollande stressed, that France would not give up and continue its efforts towards peaceful settlement of the conflict.

In his speech François Hollande reaffirmed his decision to visit Yerevan on April 24, 2015, and pay tribute to the victims of Armenian genocide on the behalf of France.

“Today, when our country became target of barbarianism, intolerance, hatred and terrorism, you, Armenians, of France, you serve an example of dignity, which is yours and ours pride.”

Co-chairmen of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations in France - Ara Toranian and Mourad Papazian, and the President of the 2015 CCAF Mission Alexis Govciyan delivered speeches. During the event Charles Aznavour was awarded the “CCAF medal for Courage”.

Afterwards, 2015 CCAF Mission presented extensive program of events, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, which would be held in hundreds of cities of France during 2015. 

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