The launch of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was given in Lebanon

01 February, 2015

From January 31 to February 1, conference, titled “Centennial of the Armenian Genocide: consequences and tasks”, was held in “Haykazyan” University in Beirut. The event was organized on the initiative of Lebanese Centenary Central body and “Haykazyan” University.

Ambassador of Armenia to Lebanon Ashot Kocharian, members of the Parliament of Lebanon, officials, scientists, scholars and representatives of the NGOs and media participated at the works of conference. Speakers from Armenia, Lebanon and Turkey were invited. President of “Haykazyan” University, Revered Doctor Pol Haydostian delivered welcoming speech. Editor-in-Chief of Azdak Daily Shahan Kandaharian made a speech on the behalf of the Lebanese Centenary Central body.

The Speaker of the first day was Professor of Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences of Lebanon Massoud Daher. Deputy Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Suren Manukyan touched upon demographic, cultural, psychological, geographical, economic and political consequences of the Armenian Genocide, and Head of the Legal Consulting Service of the RA Constitutional Court Vladimir Vardanyan spoke about the abolition of consequences of the Armenian Genocide in the frameworks of the international law.

Authors of a range of works on the Armenian Genocide Zaven Msryan and Saleh Zahreddine made statements on the second day of the conference. Head of Neighbouring Countries Department at the MFA of Armenia Arsen Avagyan presented Armenian-Turkish relations in 1991-2014, journalist Tatul Hakobyan also delivered a speech. During closing remarks, Head of History Department at Istanbul Bilgi University Bülent Bilmez touched upon adopted policy on minorities by the Republic of Turkey in 1923-2014, ethnographer Hranush Kharatyan presented the status of Armenians in modern Turkey and the issue of Islamized Armenians. 

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