The launch of events dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide was given in Syria

03 February, 2015

On February 3, presentation of Ambassador of Armenia, Ph. Doctor in History, Arshak Poladyan’s book in Arabic, titled “Eye witnesses’ memoires on the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire” took place in the hall of Al-Assad National Library in Damascus. The event has been organized by Syrian Centenary Central body and sponsored by Syria’s Culture Minister Issam Khalil.

Minister of Culture of Syria Issam Khalil, member of the National Progressive Front, Counselor of the President of Syria Muhsen Bilal, Secretary-General of Socialist Union Ahmad Al-Ahmad, former Prime-Minister of Syria Muhammad Mustafa Mero, Deputy Foreign Minister Ayman Susan, members of People's Council of Syria, diplomats, ashirats, leaders of Christian communities of Syria, as well as representatives of Syrian Armenian community and media were among the guests of the event.

During the event, numerous speeches were delivered, in which the content of the book was touched upon, as well as the significance of the work was stressed in raising awareness on the Armenian Genocide in the Arab world.

Presentation was widely covered by Syrian media. Ambassador of Armenia gave numerous interviews on that point to the Arab media.

Information. Arshak Poladyan’s “Eye witnesses’ memoires on the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire” work presents to the Arab reader memoirs of three witnesses – Syrian lawyer Fayez Ghusein, Turkish official Naim Bey and Assyrian intellectual, Father Ishak Armale Al-Suriani. Based on researches in Arab and other languages of the Armenian Genocide (Mets Eghern), and evidence by witnesses, the author touched upon the role and activity of Armenians in Ottoman community, the internationalization of the Armenian issue and the movement of the Armenian people in the context of Pan-Turkism policy adopted by the Ottoman Empire. 

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