Foreign Minister of Armenia received the EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia

09 February, 2015

On February 9, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received Herbert Salber, the EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia.

Minister Nalbandian drew the attention of the EU Special Representative to the drastic increase in subversive acts of the Azerbaijani forces along Armenia-Azerbaijan border and the Line of Contact with Nagorno-Karabakh..

“At the end of last week, at the Munich Security Conference, Azerbaijan's President’s refusal to accept the well-known three principles of the international law as a basis for the conflict resolution, the approaches that he expressed are a proof to the contempt towards the appeals of the international community and continuation of its maximalist line”, - Minister Nalbandian underlined.

Foreign Minister of Armenia mentioned that Azerbaijan continuously rejects the OSCE Minsk Groups’ proposals on confidence-building measures, i.e. the measures on consolidation of cease-fire regime, withdrawal of snipers, creation of investigation mechanism for incidents, and by its destructive stance undermines progress in negotiation process.

EU Special Representative reaffirmed his support to the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ efforts towards peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

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