Event dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide held in Aleppo

12 February, 2015

On February 12, a meeting on the recognition, condemnation and elimination of consequences of acts of genocide was held in Aleppo, in the framework of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Representatives of number of organizations of Armenian community in Aleppo, journalists and priests participated at the event.

Armenia's Consul General to Aleppo Tigran Gevorgyan gave a lecture, titled “Issue of the Armenian Genocide on the agenda of Foreign Policy of the Republic of Armenia”.

In his speech he, particularly, mentioned that international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide is one of the priorities of RA Foreign Policy, and that Armenia, as Homeland of nation, survived Genocide, has great responsibility in the efforts of international community to prevent acts of genocide in the future. Tigran Gevorgyan indicated the Resolution on Prevention of Genocide initiated by Armenia in Human Rights Council , adopted by consensus, as the very example of that. He also mentioned, that Armenia on numerous occasions voiced the importance of the recognition, condemnation and elimination of consequences of the crimes of genocide from major international platforms.

Attaching great significance to the holding of the events dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide, Consul General mentioned, that thus the fight of Armenia and Armenians of Diaspora is not over, adding that events, held under slogan “Remember and Demand” is the start of new stage. In this context, he placed great importance to Armenia-Diaspora strong ties and coordinated cooperation.

Once the lecture was over, Consul General answered questions raised by the attendees. 

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