Presentation of book on Armenian Genocide in Germany

17 February, 2015

On February 17, presentation of Academic Director of the Lepsius House (Research Center for Genocide Studies) Rolf Hosfeld’s book, titled “Death in the Desert. The Armenian Genocide”, took place in Einstein Forum in Potsdam, Germany.

Former Director of National Centre of Scientific Research, Paris, Professor of Modern History, Free University of Berlin Peter Schöttler hosted the event. The author of the book answered numerous questions raised by attendees.

Chargé d'affaires a.i. of Armenia to Germany Ashot Smbatyan, who at the end of the event answered questions of journalists, participated at the event.

Information: In “Death in the Desert. The Armenian Genocide” book the author adducing historical evidence and facts, on the basis of new data sources, presents prehistory of Armenian Genocide, motives and process itself. 

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