Conference dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian genocide held in Rome

19 February, 2015

On February 19 a conference dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian genocide titled "Remembering and Narrating the Armenian Genocide: 1915-2015 " was held at John Cabot University in Rome.

The conference was organized by the John Cabot University in cooperation with the Armenian communities of Rome and Lazio.

Franco Pavoncello, President of the John Cabot University, students and professors, public figures, media and Armenian community representatives attended the conference.

The conference speakers were Ambassador of Armenia to Italy Sargis Ghazaryan, John Cabot University Professor Zara Pogossian, director of the Komitas Institute in London, historian Ara Sarafian.

In his welcoming remarks President of the John Cabot University Franco Pavoncello emphasized the importance of the struggle against the denial of the Armenian Genocide, noting that the organization of the conference by the University is a tribute to the memory of the victims and manifestation of a struggle against the denial.

Before her speech Professor Zara Pogossian read the message from Professor Ayşe Gül Altinay of Istanbul Sabanci University, which said: "May we, in Turkey, have the courage and strength to come to terms with the genocide of Ottoman Armenians, a horrible crime against humanity as well as a huge loss of life, love, and hope. May this centennial year bring us together to work towards justice and a peaceful future for all".

Professor Zara Pogossian spoke about the impact of the genocide on the future of the Armenian people and, as an unpunished crime, on the initiation and implementation of other genocides.

Komitas Institute Director Ara Sarafian touched upon the positive changes taking place in Turkey amongst the political and the public circles, as well as amongst the independent historians and expressed his hope that eventually Turkey will recognize the Armenian Genocide.

In his speech, Ambassador Ghazaryan expressed satisfaction that conference was attended by a large number of students, noting that the genocide awareness and educating the young generation is very important for the prevention of future genocides. In this regard, he stressed the importance of the struggle against genocide denial. He referred to Turkey ‘s denial policy and presented the activities of the Republic of Armenia for the prevention of genocides in the international arena. 

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