Presentation of the book about Armenian Genocide organized in Washington

28 February, 2015

On February 28, presentation of a new book of New York resident Hrant Margarian was organized at the hall of Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Church by Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society, in the framework of events, dedicated to the Centennial of Armenian Genocide. The book, titled “The Martyred Armenian Writers 1915-1922” reveals the story of life and writings of 13 Armenian writers martyred during Armenuian Genocide.

In his remarks at the event, Ambassador of Armenia to the USA Tigran Sargsyan commended this patriotic step aimed at making Armenian culture available to the foreign audience. “Initiative of Hrant Margarian is more important for new generation of American Armenians, from the perspective of getting them familiar with the literal legacy of the Armenian people”, mentioned Ambassador Sargsyan.

During the event, excerpts from works of giants of Armenian literature – Siamanto, Ruben Sevak, Daniel Varuzhan and others were presented.

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