Parliamentary hearings dedicated to Centennial of Armenian Genocide held at the People's Council of Syria

04 March, 2015

On March 4, Speaker of the People's Council of Syria, Dr. Mohammad Jihad al-Laham received Ambassador of Armenia to Syria Arshak Poladian, leader of the Armenian Diocese of Damascus Bishop Armash Nalbandian, representative of Catholic Community, Archimandrite Kevork Bahi, leaders of political and provincial assemblies of the Armenian community of Damascus, as well as members of the Syrian Centenary Central body.

The Speaker welcomed Ambassador Poladian and members of his accompanying delegation, then participants discussed issues related to Armenian-Syrian inter-parliamentary cooperation. During the meeting, Ambassador Poladian presented scheduled events, dedicated to the Centennial of Armenian Genocide.

After the meeting with the Speaker of the People's Council, on the initiative of a member of Human Rights and Foreign Affairs Committees Maria Saade and other parliamentarians, joint session, dedicated to the Centennial of Armenian Genocide, was held at the People's Council of Syria, with participation of the Ambassador, his accompanying delegation and members of Human Rights and Reconciliation Committees.

During the meeting, Ambassador, expressing gratitude to the People’s Council of Syria, highlighted the important fact that Syria became a haven for survived Armenians during the genocide, and today, 100 years later, organized such an event at country’s legislative body.

Professor at the University of Damascus Nora Arissian (Ph.D. in Modern History) presented brief historical report on Armenian Genocide to the members of Committees of the People’s Council.

During the hearings, number of members of the People’s Council of Syria delivered speeches, expressing their solidarity with the Armenian people – yet again stressing the role of Armenians in socio-economic and social life of Syria. 

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