Foreign Minister of Armenia met President of Israel

05 March, 2015

On March 5, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, received at his residence Armenian Foreign Minister, Edward Nalbandian, currently on a visit in Jerusalem.

Welcoming Edward Nalbandian, President of Israel underlining the importance of Armenia Foreign Minister’s visit, expressed confidence, that it would contribute to the strengthening of bilateral relations.

Minister Nalbandian thanked President Rivlin for the meeting and stressed that the Armenian and Jewish peoples are interlinked with millennia-old traditions of friendship, which forms a solid basis for further strengthening of inter-state relations.

President Rivlin and Minister Nalbandian noted the importance of intensification of political dialogue, which, in their opinion, would give the possibility to enhance cooperation also in other areas.

The two discussed shared responsibility of Armenian and Jewish nations in preventing future crimes against Humanity.

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