Event dedicated to the Centennial of Armenian Genocide in Lebanon

09 March, 2015

On March 9, an event, dedicated to the Centennial of Armenian Genocide was held at the hall of Notre Dame University of Lebanon, on the initiative of Armenian Catholic Patriarchate of Lebanon, in cooperation with Catholic Patriarchs and Episcopal Council of Lebanon.

Leaders of political parties, religious leaders, representatives of NGOs, diplomats and journalists participated the event.

Public figure George Kurdahi opened the event. He read in Arabic "Ahp Meh Mokhir" Armenian great poet, victim of the Genocide by Siamanto, then reflected on history of the Armenian people. Archimandrite Gevorg Eghyayan delivered speech on the behalf of Armenian Catholic Patriarchate. Lebanese poet, an author of publications on violence and crimes committed against humanity Antoine Raad also made a speech.

In his remarks, former Prime-Minister of Lebanon, leader of Free Patriotic Movement party Michel Aoun mentioned that being persecuted, Armenian people endured sufferings and hardship in the Ottoman Empire. Michel Aoun stressed that Armenians fell victims to the ideology, that was aimed at annihilation of numerous nationalities and religions. According to General Aoun, that repudiation of crimes of the past paved the way to perpetrators to commit further pogroms and destruct the civilizations unpunished.

In his speech, former President of Lebanon Amine Gemayel mentioned, that the international community is obliged to recognize and condemn committed in the past and taking placed today all the massive pogroms, in order to prevent their recurrence in the future. Amine Gemayel commended contribution of Lebanese Armenians in survival and development of Lebanon, stressing that the Armenian tradition to dialogue and cooperate is one of the key basis of identity and existence of Lebanon.

Lebanese Cardinal Bechara Rai, patriarch of the Maronite Catholics also addressed the attendees, expressing his support to the slogan “I remember and demand” voiced on the Centennial of Armenian Genocide.

Catholicos Patriarch Nerses Petros XIX of the House of Cilicia delivered a speech.

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