Events dedicated to the Centennial of Armenian Genocide in Prague

11 March, 2015

On March 9, opening ceremony of the exhibition, entitled “Coverage of the Armenian Genocide by the world media” took place at the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music, an event, sponsored by RA National Assembly, Committee on Petitions of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Embassy of Armenia in the Czech Republic, the Armenian Genocide Museum and National Museum of the Czech Republic. Vice-President of the RA National Assembly Edward Sharmazanov delivered welcoming speech, mentioning, “Organization of the exhibition dedicated to the Armenian Genocide is classic example of the protection of human rights. I would like to stress, that it is not directed to any state, including, Turkey, but is organized for sake of historical justice and international recognition and condemnation of the acts of genocide.”

For significant contribution, Vice-President of the National Assembly awarded with Medal of Honor of the National Assembly Archbishop of Prague Dominik Cardinal Duka for strengthening of friendly ties of Armenian and Czech peoples, Head of Committee on Petitions of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Zuzka Bebarova-Rujbrova for strengthening, development of inter-parliamentary ties and protection of human rights, and Head of Czech-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group Robert Behnisch for strengthening of Armenian-Czech inter-parliamentary ties.

Czech Cardinal Archbishop of Prague Dominik Duka, Deputy Head of Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Jan Bartoszek and Head of Committee on Petitions of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Zuzka Bebarova-Rujbrova delivered speeches, condemning the denial of the fact of Armenian Genocide.

Exhibition is opened till March 22.

On March 10, the delegation headed by Vice-President of the National Assembly Edward Sharmazanov participated at the conference, entitled “Crime of genocide. Legal and political aspects” at the Department of Law at Charles University in Prague, organized ELSA PRAHA and economist of Armenian origin Helen Aharonian, in partnership with the Embassy of Armenia in the Czech republic and Research Center for Archeology of Evil.

Vice Dean of Department of Law at Charles University in Prague, Professor Milan Damohorsky delivered welcoming speech. Edward Sharmazanov lectured on imprisonment and killings of 600 Armenian intelligentsia on April 24, 1915 in Constantinopolis, reflected on the crime and consequences of planned in advance and committed on state level by the Young Turks of the Ottoman Empire. “Massacre and ethnic cleansing were aimed at annihilation of Armenians, as well as destruction of millennia-old Armenian heritage”, mentioned Edward Sharmazanov.

Regarding states that recognized Genocide and decisions of international organizations, Vice-President of the National Assembly also stressed, that recognition of Armenian Genocide is in the interest of all those states, that consider themselves democratic and advocates of human rights. If it was recognized and condemned, then new acts of crimes would not occur.

Professor at Ruhr University Bochum prominent German genocide scholar of Armenian origin Mihran Dabag presented the report on different acts of genocide, particularly, compared Armenian Genocide and Holocaust, summarizing that both are alike in their essence, the two acts of genocides had the same race direction and nationalist state agenda.

In his report, lecturer at Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague, Head of the Research Center for Archeology of Evil Simon Krbec thoroughly presented historical aspects of the Armenian Genocide.

On March 11, a discussion, entitled “Yesterday and today. Justice always needed” was held at Goethe-Institut in Prague, organized by Czech-Italian publicist Andreas Pieralli “Gariwo - Garden of the Righteous” watchdog organization, in cooperation of Embassy of Armenia in the Czech Republic. 

Ambassador of Armenia to the Czech republic Tigran Seiranian delivered speech, entitled “Mechanisms to prevent acts of genocide and consequences”, reflecting on Armenian Genocide, committed by the Government of the Ottoman Empire, enumerated states, that ignoring geopolitical and economic interests recognized massacres of 1.5 million of Armenians, expressing gratitude also to the President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman, who during the visit of the President of Armenia to Prague last year stated, that recognizes Armenian Genocide. Then Ambassador touched upon mechanisms on prevention of acts of genocide, as well as denial by Turkey.

In her remarks, Czech specialist in Armenian studies Milada Kilinova presented chronology and details of the Armenian Genocide, mentioning that modern Turkey is obliged to accept harsh reality of its own history and condemn crimes committed by descendants.

Organizer of the conference Andreas Pieralli presented to the attendees documentary on those humanists that extended helping hand to the survivors of the Armenian Genocide.

In their speeches, former Ministers Cyril Svoboda and Karel Schwarzenberg condemned crimes of the Ottoman Empire and called on Turks to face their own history. Schwarzenberg also mentioned, that lots of evidence on sufferings of Armenians were in former Czechoslovakia.

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