Launch of the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide in Mexico

15 March, 2015

On March 14, an event was organized in the Mexico City by Armenian communities of Mexico and West coast of the USA, thus giving start to the events dedicated to the Centennial of Armenian Genocide in Mexico.

Mexican intelligentsia, cultural, scholars, politicians and public figures, diplomats, journalists participated at the event.

During the event, Ambassador of Armenia in Mexico Grigor Hovhannisyan presented program of scheduled events to be held from March through November, 2015, in Mexico.

On March 15, holy liturgy, dedicated to the memory of innocent victims of the Armenian genocide was performed at the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral, led by Archbishop of Mexico, Cardinal Norberto Rivera. Archbishop of Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church Hovnan Derderian and Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Catholic Church in Latin America, Bishop Vardan Poghosyan attended at the liturgy.

At the end of the liturgy, on the behalf of the Armenian community of Mexico an Armenian cross-stone was given as a gift to Mexico City, that will become one of the exponents at Mexico's National Museum of Civilizations from now on. Ambassador Hovhannisyan, Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Director of the National Museum of Mexican Culture Carlos Vasquez, as well as member of the Los Angeles City Council Paul Krekorian, who specially arrived from California, took part at the ceremony of cross-stone installation.

The liturgy was widely covered by the Mexican media.

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