Exhibition dedicated to the Centennial of Armenian Genocide in Munich

17 March, 2015

On March 17, opening ceremony of Erol Gurian’s “Terra Armenia” exhibition of photos took place in Munich’s famous “Gasteig” concert hall. The event was organized by directorate of the Munich National High school and was dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

Representatives of the Munich Municipality, Armenian community of Munich, as well as artists and scholars, public figures and politicians, diplomats and journalists attended the event.

Director of “Gasteig” concert hall P. Gerschner and Director of the Munich National high school Dr. Susanne Meier, Chargé d'affaires of Armenia to Germany Ashot Smbatyan delivered welcoming speeches.

In order to create his collection of photos Erol Gurian visited Armenia, Artsakh and different countries over the world, where he met the representatives of Armenian communities. Family story of the person shown in the photo was attached to each portrait.

The exhibition is open by May 25.

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