Conferences on the Armenian Genocide in Canada

20 March, 2015

On March 18 and 20, conferences entitled “Genocide. Prevention and justice” were held in Canadian cities Montreal and Toronto respectfully, in the framework of commemorative events on the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Conferences were organized by Canadian Centennial Central Body and Embassy of Armenia in Canada.

Conference took place at prominent McGill University of Montreal. Well-known researchers in human rights protection and genocide research fields Payam Akhavan, Henry Theriault and Frank Chalk were among the speakers at the conference. Survivors of Holocaust and Rwanda genocide, representatives of Greek, Ukrainian and American Indian communities of Canada participated at the conference. Issues of elimination of consequences of the Armenian Genocide, responsibility for denial, particularly, Perincek v. Switzerland case, as well as role of the international community in prevention of the genocides were among the topics discussed.

Conference in Toronto was held in Victoria College of Toronto University. Jermaine McCalpin, Fatma Gocer and Henry Theriault were among the speakers at the conference. Expected developments in following decades after the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, violence against the Armenian people in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey in 18-20th centuries were reflected on. Representatives of Sara Corning Centre for Genocide Education, Yazidi community, as well as different human rights organizations delivered messages.

Conferences were widely broadcasted by the Canadian media.

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