Lecture on the Armenian Genocide in Beirut

20 March, 2015

On March 20, prominent Egyptian historian, editor of AGBU “Areg” Arab-language Armenological journal, Dr. Muhammad Refaat Al-Imam (based on Egyptian and Turkish sources) lectured about preplanning and committing of the Armenian Genocide, as well as barbarism in the Arab world by Ottoman dictatorship. Lecture was read in the framework of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary at AGBU Demirdjian Center, organized in cooperation with Lebanese Centennial Central Body and on the initiative of cultural union of Armenian Youth Association “Andranik” of Armenian General Benevolent Union.

Ambassador of Armenia to Lebanon Ashot Kocharian, members of Lebanese Parliament, representatives of Lebanese Centennial Central Body, Lebanon AGBU regional board members, diplomats and journalists attended the event. 

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