Events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Beirut

27 March, 2015

On March 26, lecture on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was held at Issam Fares Institute of the American University of Beirut on the initiative of Lebanese Armenian Heritage Club. Prominent journalist, The Independent’s Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk was a key speaker at the event.

In his welcoming remarks, lecturer at the American University of Beirut Khajak Gokchyan mentioned that the Armenian Genocide was a heinous crime, committed against civilization and humanity against millennia-old people and its culture.

Robert Fisk qualified massacres of Armenians as the first genocide of the 20th century, mentioning that German soldiers who served in the Turkish Army witnessed the events, whose witnesses are essential for the Armenians. Fisk stressed the fact that the Armenian people gained a victory through preservation of memory. He spoke about his visit to Turkey and historic Armenian provinces, mentioning that all the Turks are well aware of what occurred with Armenians in 1915, despite Turkish state’s denial policy. Robert Fisk noted that exchange of thoughts and discussion with the Turkish intelligentsia are not enough, the one is to talk and explain what occurred to the ordinary people.

On March 27, an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was organized at "Yerjo Samvelyan" hall of National Primacy of Beirut on the initiative of Armenian Relief Cross of Lebanon.

In his opening remarks, Head of Regional Department of Lebanon Assistance Cross Talin Klbashian reflected on path and mission of Armenian Relief Society.

Chairperson of Lebanese Centennial Central Body Seda Khtshyan presented activity of Lebanon Assistance Cross and details of the Armenian Genocide. She expressed deep gratitude to all the Armenian mothers who suffered but had considerable role in education of younger generation and preservation of the language. Summarizing his speech, she noted that the Armenians continue their just fight through peace-loving and creative effort.

Member of the Lebanese Parliament Ghassan E. Moukheiber mentioned that Armenians had their input in flourishing and prosperity of Lebanon. He indicated that if Armenians fell victims to the Turks, then the Lebanese people were starving at hands of the same perpetrators of genocide losing 40 percent of its population. He expressed his support to the Armenian people and stressed that today the Lebanese support the Armenian people. Moukheiber added that genocide is crime against humanity and if it is not prevented then it can be recurred in future.

Prelate of the Armenian Prelacy of Lebanon bishop Shahe Panosyan delivered message, mentioning that Armenian mother and Armenian woman played existential role in survival armenian people. During the event documentary movie was screened on the history and horrors the Armenian people endured, and activity of Lebanon Assistance Cross. Tripoli “Fayha” choir conducted by Pargev Taslakian performed songs at the event.

On March 27, an exhibition of Lucy Poshoghlian, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was organized at “Le Gray” Hotel in sponsorship with the Embassy of Armenia in Lebanon. With participation of editors of three Lebanese Armenian newspapers a discussion entitled “Genocide topic on pages of our media: yesterday, today and tomorrow” was held on the initiative ofLocal Department of the Tekeyan Cultural Association of Lebanon and Lebanese Centennial Central Body. Questions regarding valuable publications on the Armenian issue, publications on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide were raised to the editors. Head of Local Department of Tekeyan Cultural Association Ani Torosyan anchored the event.

Ambassador of Armenia to Lebanon Ashot Kocharian, members of Parliament, Ministers, politicians and public figures, diplomats, clergymen, journalists and students attended the event. 

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