Conference dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Bishkek

03 April, 2015

On April 3, a conference entitled “Issues of Genocide in the Modern World and the Impact of 1915 Armenian Genocide on the Facts of Future Mass Annihilation of People on the Ethnic Ground” was held at the Main hall of State History Museum, Bishkek, on the initiative of the RA Honorary Consul to Kyrgyzstan Petros Shahinyan and “Nairi” Armenian Cultural Union.

Ambassador of Armenia to Kyrgzstan Ara Sahakyan (residence in Astana), RA Honorary Consul to Kyrgyzstan Petros Shahinyan, the Ambassadors, politicians and public figures, diplomats, representatives of the Armenian community and journalists participated at the event.

In his welcoming address, Ambassador Sahakyan presented essence and content of scheduled events, dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Afterwards, President of “Nairi” Armenian Cultural Union, historian Ashot Kondakhchyan and RA Honorary Consul to Kyrgyzstan Petros Shahinyan delivered speeches. Number of reports was read on the subject.

During the conference, video materials of the memoirs of the descendants of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide were screened.

The conference was widely covered by the local media. 

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