Conference on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Cairo

07 April, 2015

On April 7, a conference, entitled “1915-2015. 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by Turkey” was organized at prominent Ain Shams University in Cairo, on the initiative of the Middle East Research Centre, in cooperation with Egyptian Centennial Central Body and Embassy of Armenia in Egypt.

President of Ain Shams University Hussein Essa, Director of the Middle East Research Centre Gamal Shakran, Ambassador of Armenia to Egypt Armen Melqonyan and Representative of Local Committee of Egyptian Centennial Central Body Armen Mazlumyan delivered welcoming speeches.

In his remarks, Ambassador Melqonyan criticized Turkey authorities’ denial of the Armenian Genocide, mentioning the necessity of the elimination of the consequences of that crime against humanity. “Authorities of Turkey, speaking on that crime, create dangerous precedent for perpetration of new acts of genocide”, mentioned Ambassador Melqonyan. He stressed Armenia’s commitment to continue the fight in prevention of acts of genocide, restoration of rights of peoples survived the genocide and establishment of the historical justice. Afterwards, the Ambassador conveyed deep gratitude of the Armenian people to friendly people of Egypt, for giving shelter to thousands of Armenians during the genocide, provision of necessary condition for preservation of their national identity and becoming full member of Egyptian society.

In his speech, President of Ain Shams University Hussein Essa drew parallels between the Armenian Genocide and atrocities committed in the region by terrorist groups, explaining the fact of history repeating itself by not giving just assessment to the Armenian Genocide in time. Director of the Middle East Research Centre Gamal Shakran, in his turn, mentioned that denial of the Armenian Genocide, given considerable number of the facts, is unacceptable. Representative of Local Committee of Egyptian Centennial Central Body Armen Mazlumyan attached importance to international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide and reflected on scheduled events in Armenia on the eve of the 100th anniversary.

Keynote Speakers were prominent Egyptian scientists and professors only, including Damanhuro University Professor Muhammad Refat al-Imam, specialist in the international law, public speaker Ayman Salaman, Professor at Egyptian Military Academy after Nasser, General Mahmoud Khalaf, Head of the Egyptian National Library and Archives, writer and public speaker Helmi Namnam, reporter, public speaker Nishat ad-Dayh and others. In their reports fact of the Armenian Genocide, legal consequences, possible mechanisms of reparation, wide range of issues of Turkish authorities’ responsibility were covered.

During the conference “Blue Book. Armenian Genocide witnesses” documentary shot by Ballista Media British Production Company was screened.

Works of the conference were widely covered in the range of prominent Egyptian TV stations and newspapers.

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