The Presentation of the book “Historic Armenia after 100 years” in Washington D.C.

09 April, 2015

Matthew Karanian's “Historical Armenia after 100 years” book presentation was held at the Embassy of Armenia on April 9, under the auspices of H.E. Tigran Sargsyan, Ambassador of Armenia to the United States. The book illustrates a unique collection of 125 photos of the Armenian monuments, made by Matthew Karanian over the past 20 years in Van, Ani, Kars and other regions of Historic Western Armenia, as well as the stories associated with those monuments. 

In his remarks Matthew Karanian presented the details of his research, history of the monuments before and after the Armenian Genocide of 1915, as well as his interactions with the local population. In his book the author puts special emphasis to the stories of Armenians and people of the Armenian decent whom he met during his trip.

Matthew Karanian dedicated his book to his two grandmothers and all the Armenian women, who survived inhuman deprivations of the Genocide and, afterwards, found strength in them to reestablish Armenian communities away from Armenia and secure the preservation of the future generations’ Armenian identity.



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