Liturgy dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Spain

13 April, 2015

On April 13, liturgy, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was performed by Archbishop of Madrid Carlos Osoro Sierra at Cathedral of Saint Mary the Royal of La Almudena, with participation of the representatives of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Spain.

Members of Congress and Senate of Spain, high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Ambassadors accredited to Spain, diplomats, Spanish intelligentsia, journalists and representatives of the Armenian community participated at the liturgy.

In his remarks, Archbishop Osoro mentioned that the liturgy is dedicated to the Armenians survived the tragedy and infernal sufferings. Archbishop stressed that the attendees are united through the memory of the past of one nation. He added that situation unfold in the Middle East and hot spots around the globe is the result of indifference and consequence of complicit silence in past.

In his remarks, Vicar of the Patriarchal Delegate to Spain and Portugal, Father, Archimandrite Sasun Zmrukhtyan expressed gratitude for the liturgy performed and gratitude to the Catholic Church for standing along the Armenians both during hard times and victorious days and for lending helping hand when necessary.

Ambassador of Armenia to Spain Avet Adonts, in his turn, mentioned, “We remember the Armenian Genocide not only to mourn over our losses, and express our gratitude to those states and persons, who lent helping hand during hard times, saving them, often risking their own lives and who later gave shelter to the survivors. One of the main purposes of the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide is to prevent further similar heinous crimes in every part of the world, against representative of any race, nation or religion. I am sure that working together in this direction we would have more secure, protected and just world. I thank you for staying with us.”

The liturgy was accompanied by the performance of the choir. Verses from the Bible in Armenian were recited.

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