Presentation of a book on the Armenian Genocide in London

15 April, 2015

On April 15, in the framework of the events dedicated to the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, in London’s prestigious British Academy, the well-known lawyer and human rights barrister Geoffrey Robertson’s “An Inconvenient Genocide: Who now remember the Armenians” book presentation took place, sponsored by Dr. Armen Sarkissian, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia.

Ambassadors and diplomats accredited to London, politicians and public speakers, leaders of the British-Armenian community, representatives of British media were in attendance.

Presenting the speaker, Ambassador Sarkissian noted the longstanding dedication of Geoffrey Robertson to the issue of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide which resulted in publication of this important book and its presentation to the international public.

In his presentation the author told the audience about the motives of the creation of the book and gave professional assessment of the Armenian Genocide. After the speech Robertson answered numerous questions of the attendees.

The book of Geoffrey Robertson has been published with the sponsorship of the British branch of the Armenian National Committee and the donation from Atom and Sella Tenjukians.

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