Meeting of Ambassador Ghalatchian with the President of the Parliament of the Hellenic Republic

15 April, 2015

On April 15, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Greece Gagik Ghalatchian was received by the President of the Parliament of the Hellenic Republic Zoi Konstantopoulou.

During the meeting the two discussed and commended the present level of Armenian-Greek bilateral relations.

The possibilities of deepening of political, economic and military cooperation were touched upon.

Attaching importance to the parliamentary diplomacy in the development of bilateral ties, the interlocutors, particularly, reflected on the parliamentary framework of cooperation.

The President of the Hellenic Parliament confirmed that she will pay a visit to Armenia on the initiation of the President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, to represent Greece at the Armenian Genocide Centenary commemoration events.

At the end of the meeting Zoi Konstantopoulou reaffirmed her readiness to continue and further develop the traditionally warm relations with the National Assembly of Armenia.

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