Exhibition dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide in Geneva

16 April, 2015

On April 16, opening ceremony of an exhibition entitled “Switzerland-Armenia: on the road of memory” was held at Château de Penthes Museum in the framework of events dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide.

Politicians and public figures of Switzerland, local authorities, editors of different newspapers, journalist, representatives of the Armenian community were in the attendance.

Unique and precious exhibits of Armenian art and crafts of 14-19th centuries collected by three generations of Genocide survived Kalfayan family who found shelter in Thessaloniki, Greece, were introduced at the exhibition, organized in cooperation with Armenian Foundation of Switzerland.

Press-conference of Director of Museum-Institute of Switzerland, members of Kalfayan family, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Armenia to Switzerland Hasmik Tolmajyan preceded the official opening ceremony. The idea behind the exhibition to introduce rich cultural heritage of secular and religious life of Armenia was brought to the attention of Swiss media with the aim to preserve historical memory. During Q&A with the journalists issues of preservation of rich Armenian cultural heritage in Syria, damage of Armenian Churches, including the Holy Martyrs Armenian Church of Der Zor were reflected on. The fact that many works of superior craftsmanship of universal cultural heritage, particularly, those in hands of barbarians and brutal destruction of thousands of Armenian cross-stones in Nor Jugha were stressed.

In her opening remarks, Hasmik Tolmajyan touched upon traditionally friendly Armenian-Swiss ties, expressed gratitude to Switzerland and Swiss people for immense solidarity with the Armenian people during the Genocide, for lending of a helping hand to thousands survived Armenians and giving shelter, stressed the importance of the memory and coming in terms with own history for rapprochement and peaceful future of peoples.

Exhibits of porcelain and precious metals, manuscripts, superior items of religious art and craftsmanship, jewelry introduced for the first time in Switzerland are vivid example of developed urban rich lifestyle of Western Armenians, active cultural ties of Armenia, located at the cross-road of civilizations and religions.

The exhibition is open by September 20, 2015. 

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