Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Hovakimian participated in the Global Cyberspace Conference in The Hague

16 April, 2015

On April 16, Global Cyberspace Conference kicked off in The Hague, the Netherlands, aimed at discussion of issues of use of the electronic means and new challenges developing in parallel with emerging opportunities; and attempts to elaborate cooperation ways to address them.

The Armenian delegation headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Hovakimian participated in the Conference. Representatives of the Armed Forces of Armenia and RA Police were also in the delegation.

In his remarks, Deputy Foreign Minister presented the steps undertaken by Armenia in the fight against cyber-crimes and position on further development of principles of cyber-space, particularly mentioning that perpetration of identity-based violence including genocide or to glorify the perpetrators of past genocides through internet are becoming serious threats to the international peace and security. Ashot Hovakimian, particularly stressed, “All purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be equally applicable online as well as offline in their entirety. In this vein it is important to uphold all human rights everywhere regardless of legal status of any territory as it is stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

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