Foreign Minister met the Speaker of People's Council of Syria

22 April, 2015

On April 22, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian met Speaker of People's Council of Syria Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, who arrived in Armenia to participate in the events dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia recalls with appreciation the support and helping hand lent by the friendly people of Syria to the Armenians, who survived the Genocide. Speaker of People's Council of Syria mentioned that Syria highly appreciates the major input of the Syrian Armenians in the development of the country.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged thoughts on the ways of addressing Syrian crisis and issues of Armenian community of Syria. Stressing that unfolding clashes and humanitarian crisis are of Armenia’s constant concern, Minister Nalbandian expressed hope that the efforts towards stabilization of political situation and establishment of peace in the country will be successful.

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