Armenian Genocide Centennial Event in Singapore

23 April, 2015

The Armenian Church St. Gregory the Illuminator in Singapore rang its bells 100 times on April 23, at 19:15, alongside all other Armenian churches across the world to honor the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. Armenia’s Ambassador to Singapore Armen Sargsyan pealed the first bell. The members of the local Armenian community, Armenians from abroad, Armenian students studying in Singapore and the representatives of Singapore-based Christian churches were present at the ceremony.
In the frames of his working visit to the Republic of Singapore, Armen Sargsyan attended Singapore President's annual diplomatic reception on April 24.

During the event, Ambassador Sargsyan had private discussions with Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Ambassador conveyed greetings and best wishes of the President of Armenia to the President of Singapore. Ambassador Sargsyan introduced the latest developments on the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and events dedicated to 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

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