The Main Events of the Armenian Genocide Centenary in China

24 April, 2015

On April 24 a commemoration evening dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide was organized at the Armenian Embassy in China.

Armenian students and businessmen from different parts of China participated in the event. Candle lighting and flower laying ceremonies were held in front of the cross-stone in the courtyard of the Embassy. Attendees observed a minute of silence in the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

«My grandmother tattoos», a documentary about the Armenian Genocide was screened in the reception hall of the Embassy. During the event the students recited Armenian writers’ poems recalling the Genocide. Afterwards Armenian film-director Ruben Giney presented excerpts from his film "Andin: Armenian Journey Chronicles", which was followed by a reception.

Events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide were also held in Shanghai and Hong Kong, where picture exhibitions and film screenings were organized. On April 25 an Armenian classical music concert will be held in Nanjing to commemorate the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

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