Major events dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide in Lebanon

24 April, 2015

On April 24, a Holy Mass dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide was served in Antelias Cathedral under the presidency of His Holiness Aram A, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. After a religious ceremony in the yard of the Cathedral Catholicos Aram A conveyed his speech to the people. He emphasized the following: “The history of the Armenian people was marked by massacres and deportation, by sufferings and renaissance, struggle for justice and claiming our cause. Today, 100 years after we as a nation stand before the world and the Genocide committed Turkey and with united spirit and determination say the following. We created a “new dawn” in the victorious battle of Sardarabad, in the Independence of Armenia in May 28, 1918, we created a “new dawn” by enriching the life of our nation with cultural values, by restoring the freedom of the Armenian people in Nagorno-Karabakh in 1991 and by proclaiming the second independence of Armenia in September 21, 1991. We ensured victory over the criminals by surviving and fighting, remembering and reminding of our claims”.

After the speech a wreath laying ceremony took place. Wreaths was laid on behalf of the Embassy of Armenia in Lebanon, political parties, AGBU and Armenian Genocide Centennial Central Committee of Lebanon. Then a rally with participation of mօre than 50 thousand people was organized from Antelias to Burj Hammoud Stadium where a commemorating meeting took place. Leaders of Armenian political parties delivered their speeches. Representatives of Lebanese Government and Parliament, ministers and parliamentarians, religious leaders, diplomatic staff of the Embassy of Armenia headed by Ambassador Ashot Kocharian, Ambassadors and diplomats accredited in Lebanon were present at the events which took place in Antelias and Burj Hammoud Stadium.


On April 23 on the initiative of the Armenian Genocide Centennial youth body and under the patronage of Armenian Genocide Centennial Central Committee of Lebanon a “night of remembrance” was organized in Michele Murr stadium with presence of Ambassador Kocharian, Leaders of Armenian political parties and youth organizations, religious leaders.


On April 22 a concert with participation of the Yerevan State Chamber Choir – artistic director and conductor Harutyun Topikian and Tripoli Fayha Choir - artistic director and conductor Parkev Taslakian was organized in Armenian-populated town Anjar. In his opening remarks Hakop Ayntaplian underlined the importance of the unity of the Armenian nation. Ambassador of Armenia to Lebanon Ashot Kocharian noted that paying tribute to the sacred memory of 1.5 milion victims we at the same time celebrate the victory over the death stressing determination of the Armenian nation to live, to revive and create.

Prelate of the Armenian Diocese of Lebanon bishop Shahe Panossian, Mayor of Anjar, organizers and members of the International ,,Voices of Harmony,, Choir festival from different countries, hundreds of Anjar citizens were present at the concert. Conductors of Choirs were awarded with the medals of Mousa Dagh.


On April 22 “Lebanese forces” political party, organized an evening titled “The right is right even after 100 years” which was dedicated to Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. The speakers of the evening were Chaiman of the party Samir Geagea, member of Parliament Shant Chinchinian, member of the party Richard Kuyumjian, TV reporters Paula Yagubian and Nshan Ter Harutunyan.
Religious and political party’s leaders, ministers, parliamentarians, diplomatic staff of the Embassy of Armenia were in the attendance.


On April 21, in the framework of the Worldwide reading day Embassy of Armenia in Lebanon in collaboration with the Lepsiushouse Potsdam and Haykazian University organized a commemorative evening dedicated to Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Ambassador of Armenia Ashot Kocharian, dean of Haykazian Arda Ekmekji, head of the foreign relations Mira Yardemian and artistic director of the evening Gerard Avetissian delivered their welcoming remarks. During the evening film “Ravished Armenia” was screened, musical works have been performed.
Famous art experts Rifat Tarabey, Rola Hamadeh and Nabil Karame read in arabic language poetry of Petros Durian, Vahan Tekeyan, Eghishe Charents and Hovhannes Shiras. Ambassadors of Armenia and Uruguay, intellectuals and NGO representatives were present at the evening.


On April 21 a night of remembrance was organized near the memorial of catholic patriarchate on the initiative of the union of catholic universities and under the patronage of Catholicos Patriarch of Cilicia of Armenian Catholics Nerses Bedros XIX. Ministers of tourism and culture of Lebanon Michele Pharaon and Raymond Areji in their speeches condemned the crime committed in 1915 against Armenian people and compared it with cruelties being perpetrated by extremists against national minorities in Syria and Iraq. Ministers welcomed approaches of the Pope Francis and European Parliament on the Armenian Genocide issue and called upon Turkey to admit black pages of their own history. In his speech Catholicos Patriarch of Cilicia of Armenian Catholics Nerses Bedros XIX expressed his deep appreciation and admiration to Armenian youth and called them to continue their rightful fight for restoration of historical justice.

Religious and political leaders, ministers, parliamentarians, diplomatic staff of the Embassy of Armenia headed by Ambassador Ashot Kocharian were present at the event.


On April 20 a ceremony of opening of khachkar (cross-stone) took place at St. Hripsimiantz College. Principal of the college, sister Armine Makarosian opened the evening. Then video message of Minister of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia Hranush Hakopian was screened. After blessings of the newly erected khachkar by Catholicos Patriarch of Cilicia of Armenian Catholics Nerses Bedros XIX hundred students of the college put 100 candles next to khachkar. Screening of the film on Genocide was followed.

The main speaker of the event Lebanese Minister of Education and higher education Elias Abou Saab announced that upon his decision all state and private colleges and schools would be closed on April 24.

Ambassador of Armenia Ashot Kocharian, Nuncio Apostolic to Lebanon Gabrielle Caccia, ministers, members of parliament, religious leaders were present at the evening.

All events were widely covered in mass media of Lebanon.

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