Major events on the Armenian Genocide Centenary in the Netherlands

24 April, 2015

On April 20 a Commemorative event was held in St. Jacobs Grote Kerk, The Hague, Netherlands, dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide which was organized by the Cooperating Armenian Organization under the auspices of the Embassy of Armenia.

Representatives of the Dutch Parliament, Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Diplomatic Corps, International Courts and Organizations, Non-governmental organizations, think tanks, as well as representatives of the Dutch society and Armenian community in the Netherlands were in the attendance.

Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Netherlands Dziunik Aghajanian addressed those gathered highlighting the importance of recognition, condemnation and study of the Armenian Genocide regarding it as the prototype of this crime. She stressed: "It is vexing, however, that some governments that propagate democratic standards and advocate protection and promotion of human rights worldwide, when faced with the recognition of the Armenian genocide, still pursue their geopolitical interests at the expense of universal human values. Each time the world caves in to the Turkish demands trading it for political or economic benefits, it continues the crime, condones it and casts a devastating blow to international human and humanitarian values. "

During the Commemorative event poems were recited by famous Dutch performer Freek de Jonge, pieces from Komitas, Aram Khachaturian, Makar Ekmalian, Khachatur Avetisian, Edward Mirzoyan were performed by Dutch Choir led by Ines Leijen, Hayk Melikyan, Arminak Apstok, Svetlanda Aghadjanyan, Anna Barkhudarian, Ruzanna Hakobjan, Ruzanna Nahapetian and Nairi String Quartet.

On April 21, representatives of Cooperating Armenian Organization met the representatives of House of Representatives of the States General (Parliament) of the Netherlands and submitted petition that calls upon the Government to unequivocally implement points of the decision adopted by the Parliament in 2004, to neutralized Turkish influence on the Dutch society, not to give room to propaganda of denial by Turkey, fight against denial and include commemorative events on the Armenian Genocide in the events dedicated to the WWI.

On the same day excerpts from “Book of whispers” (in Dutch) by Varuzhan Voskanyan were recited. During the event presentation of the book “Crane call” by H. Mardikyan was held. The book is a collection of the author’s grandparents memoires, who survived the Genocide.

On April 23, canonization of the victims of the Armenian Genocide in the “Holy Spirit” Church, Amsterdam. Afterwards bells of 300 churches rang. During the meeting Ambassador Aghajanian delivered message. In the evening torch marches took place in the Hague, dedicated to the memory of victims of the Armenian Genocide.

On April 24, commemorative event dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide was held in Assen, the Netherlands, by Cooperating Armenian Organization. The event kicked off with marches and wreathes laid at the monument dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide. Ambassador Aghajanian delivered message. Masis Abrahamyan delivered message on the behalf of the National Committee, Nubar Sipan on the behalf of Federation of the Armenian organizations of the Netherlands, members of House of Representatives of the States General of the Netherlands Harry van Bommel (Socialist party), Joel Fordevind (Christian Union Party), Harutyun Palanjian on the behalf of AGBU, Johnny Shabo on the behalf of Aramaic organizations, Mustafa Ayranci on the behalf of Turkish workers party and Inge Drost on the behalf of Federation of Armenian Organizations in Netherlands delivered messages.

On the same day an event dedicated to the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide was held in Almelo, the Netherlands. Liturgy was performed by Bishop Taron Jerejian and Vicar for the Archdiocese of the Netherlands of the Syriac Orthodox Church Augin Aydın in front of the monument dedicated to the memory of victims of the Armenian Genocide, followed the marches of the Dutch Armenian, Aramaic and Assyrian communities. Opening of stand of “Almelo Armenian Genocide Memorial” was held. An open-air event followed commemorative evening held at “Galust Gulbenkian” hall.

During the commemorative event Ambassador of Armenia to the Netherlands Dzyunik Aghajanian, Mayor of Almelo Willem Urlings, member of House of Representatives of the States General of the Netherlands Pieter Omtzigt (Christian Democratic party), Prof. Kor Bayen on the behalf of Almelo Church Council, genocide scholar Anthonie Holslag, MEP Pieter van Dalen, Aziz Beth Aho on the behalf of Aramaic Human Rights Movement, Anmar Hayali on the behalf of United Church, Vice-Chairman of the Dutch Socialist party and responsible for educational issues Tjitske Siderius, and Chairman of the National Committee Masis Abrahamyan on the behalf of Cooperating Armenian Organization delivered messages.
Video of the ceremony is available on the following link:
Message of the Ambassador is available on:
Message of the Mayor of Almelo is available on:
Pieter Omtzigt message is available on:

On April 24, at 19:15, bells of Basilica of Saint Servatius, Maastricht, Protestant Saint Jan Church and Armenian Apostolic Saint Karapet Church rang 100 times in the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

On April 25, commemorative event was held at Saint Karapet Church, Maastricht, with attendance of Mayor of Maastricht, cousin of missionary Murray, parliamentarians and representatives of the Dutch society. “Ani” Armenian community of Maastricht organized the event.

Eastern Belgium String Quartet, “Armenian voices” ensemble and pianist Hayk Meliqyan performed works by Komitas, Yekmalyan, Delalyan and Babajanian. “Sobornost”, “Amakuri” and “Geghard” choirs under the baton of Lilit Sati performed "Lord have mercy" by Alexander Harutyunyan. Artak Manoukyan recited excerpts from “Cry of our blood” poem dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

Ambassador Aghajanian addressed the attendees, Pieter van Nuenen delivered lecture about Komitas.
Message of the Ambassador is available on the following link:
Hayk Meliqyan’s performance is available on:

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