Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian participated in the events dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centenary in Paris City Hall

28 April, 2015

On April 28, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian participated at the opening of an exhibition, entitled “Paris hosts Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute”, presentation of special issue of Politique Internationale, dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centenary, and traditional reception devoted to the Mets Eghern.

Representatives of different religious communities, Charles Aznavour, dozens of Ambassadors accredited to Paris, members of the French Parliament and deputies of local authorities, Deputy Mayor of Yerevan, Leaders of French Armenian organizations took part in the events with nearly 2000 attendees held on the initiative of Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo.

Accompanied by Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan and curator of the exhibition Raymond Kevorkian, Foreign Minister of Armenia and Mayor of Paris toured the Paris City Hall's exhibition halls, familiarizing themselves with exhibits.

The exhibition that is open until July 4 was organized by Paris City Hall, in cooperation with the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Embassy of Armenia in France, Yerevan City Hall, French-Armenian Centennial Central Body.

Thousands of billboards in Paris read the exhibition advertisement.

Opening the event at the France capital’s Great Reception Hall, in front of 2000 attendees, Anne Hidalgo mentioned that it was a tribute paid in the memory of Armenians annihilated 100 years ago during the Armenian Genocide, as well as an expression of gratitude to those survived Armenians and their descendants, who, resided in France, have brought their considerable input in the development of France. According to Anne Hidalgo, it is an honour to host at the halls of the City Hall exhibition of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and thus making citizens and guests of Paris getting acquainted with the history of the Armenian Genocide. She mentioned that about 60 schools of Paris are on list to attend the exhibition.

In his remarks, Edward Nalbandian, particularly, said,
“This year, first time in the history, humanity commemorates the Centenary of the Genocide. First time in its history humanity commemorates the 100 years of crime committed against itself.

Centenary of the Armenian Genocide: 100 years of acts of genocide, that followed the heinous crime committed against the Armenian people. 100 years of straying and wandering along dimmed from the malicious path, 100 years of human being’s path towards inhumane existence, moved forward by the violent idea to kill the other, because of their being different.

April 24th this year – Centenary of the Armenian Genocide – is peculiar. It stands out through the unprecedented solidarity of the righteous and individuals, peoples and countries, who reject lie, who call spade a spade in solidarity with the survivors of the first genocide of the 20th century. Had mankind expressed such solidarity with Armenians 100 years ago, the way it did a few days ago, would it be possible to avoid acts of genocide committed 100 years ago and afterwards?

Had the heinous crime committed against Armenians been prevented, had its masterminds and perpetrators been punished, would the Nazis have massacred the Jews in the same cruel way? Not, indeed! Did the international community undertake sufficient steps for the prevention of acts of genocide in Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur? Not, indeed! Does the international community undertake appropriate steps today for putting an end to the genocidal actions of terrorists in the Middle East? Unfortunately not! Is humanity capable of waking up at last?

This year, on the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide, time is more than ripe to provide answers to those questions. To answer through the message by His Holiness Pope Francis I, who reflected on the Armenian tragedy as the first genocide of the 20th century; to answer through resolution adopted by the European Parliament, statement of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, statements by Secretary-General of La Francophonie and other international organizations, statements and resolutions adopted in Germany, Austria and a range of states around the globe; to answer through visits to Armenia of hundreds of foreign state officials, through visits in Yerevan on April 24 of delegations representing a range of states and international organizations.

Dear Mrs. Mayor

Your decision to switch off the lights of the Eiffel Tower, on the occasion of commemoration by humanity of the genocide centenary for the first time in its history as an expression of solidarity with the Armenian people, indeed, is symbolic and bears great value in itself.

That very expression of solidarity with Armenia and the Armenian people reveals, that the international community realizes, that century of the genocide did not sink into oblivion and that prevention of crimes against humanity should constantly be in the focus of the attention of civilized world and should consolidate all its efforts without subordinating that noble cause to geopolitical interest.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear friends,

Among the states, standing by the side of Armenia and the Armenian people, France was always in the front row, reaffirming its international standing in the protection of universal human rights values.

I would like to use this opportunity and express gratitude to France, to the state that paid homage to the memory of victims of the Armenian Genocide on the highest - state level, with delegation which arrived in Yerevan, headed by the President of France; to the state that through the force of law recognized the Armenian Genocide; to the state, in which I had an honour to represent Armenia for almost 10 years, during which period dozens of streets, squares, parks, monuments and khachqars (cross-stones) were opened, with attendance of high-level national and local authorities of France and representatives of the Armenian community.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a good occasion to present the valuable special edition of Politique Internationale, dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centenary, and welcome my dear friend, Politique Internationale editor, Patrick Wajsman, who is with us here today. Articles and speeches by the President of Armenia, incumbent and former Presidents of France, Charles Aznavour, as well as prominent experts in genocide studies and international law are published in this special issue.

The purpose of this edition is not only the disclosure of issues concerning the Armenian Genocide, but also revealing of legal and political aspects of the most criminal crime, i.e. the genocide. Don’t millions of lost destinies lie behind the terms “genocide”, “crime against humanity”? The indefatigable efforts of Armenia in the prevention of acts of genocide and in the fight against denial are directed towards awareness raising, as the Armenian people bear moral responsibility to have its input in the international efforts in the prevention of crimes against humanity. The resolution initiated by Armenia serves as its best expression, adopted by consensus on March 27 this year at the UN Human Rights Council.

Mrs. Mayor,

I am particularly pleased to be at the hall, that became home for me, and declare that this marvelous tradition, in the formation of which I took part together with the then Mayor Bertrand Delanoë, who I recall with warmth, has become annual, i.e. tradition of bringing large number of residents of Paris of Armenian origin around you on the occasion of commemoration of the memory of their predecessors. Mrs. Mayor, the opening of exhibition under such an eloquent title, as “Paris hosts the Armenian Genocide Museum Institute” is a vivid proof to that, for what I would like to extend special thanks to you, Mrs. Mayor, and you, Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum Institute, as well as curator of the exhibition.

I am also well aware of Mrs. Hidalgo’s decision to visit Armenia in October this year. Rest assured that you are always a welcome guest in Yerevan to discuss the development of established cooperation between our two capitals and further get acquainted with Armenia, where you are known as a friend of the Armenian people”.

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