Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian visited Lebanon

26 May, 2015

On May 26, Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian paid an official visit to Lebanon on the invitation of his Lebanese counterpart Gebran Bassil.

The visit started with the meeting with Prime-Minister of Lebanon Tammam Salam.

Welcoming the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Prime-Minister of Lebanon mentioned that the Lebanese people have special sympathy for the Armenian people. Commending the current friendly close cooperation between the two states, Prime-Minister Salam noted that the Armenian community of Lebanon has its considerable input in that.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Edward Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia commends the warm and mutually beneficial relations with Lebanon, and is ready to exert further efforts for the development and further enhancement of cooperation. Significance was attached to the strengthening of trade and economic ties, fostering Lebanese investment in Armenia.

During the meeting Prime-Minister Salam and Minister Nalbandian discussed the scheduled steps for the development of bilateral relations. The sides attached importance to the activation of the works of Inter-Governmental Commission.

The sides thoroughly exchanged thoughts on a range of regional issues, developments unfolding in the Middle East.

Steps for strengthening of stability and security in Lebanon were reflected on at the meeting.

The sides touched upon events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and their message. In this context, Minister Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia and the Armenian people recall with gratitude the hand of support lent by the Lebanese to the Armenian survivors of the Genocide.

Minister Nalbandian presented to Prime-Minister Salam the main directions of foreign policy of Armenia, efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs towards a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

In Beirut Edward Nalbandian met the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri.

Commending the cooperation between the two states in different fields, the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament mentioned that he recalls with warmth his visit paid to Armenia in 2011, and requested to convey his best wishes to the leadership of Armenia.

The sides attached importance to the cooperation in inter-parliamentary format, mutual visits of the parliamentarians and works of Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group.

The Speaker of the Parliament of Lebanon and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia discussed developments in the Middle East and the current situation.

On the same day the meeting between Edward Nalbandian and Foreign Minister of Lebanon Gebran Bassil took place, first on a tête-à-tête format, followed by negotiations with the participation of delegations.

Welcoming the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Foreign Minister of Lebanon mentioned that exemplary relations are established between the two countries, that ensues from the mutual willingness of strengthening of friendly cooperation.

The Ministers continued the dialogue launched a month ago in Yerevan, when Gebran Bassil visited Armenia to participate in the commemorative events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

Edward Nalbandian and Gebran Bassil reflected on the issues of political dialogue between the two states, consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, cooperation within multi-lateral frameworks, placed importance to the enhancement of the legal framework. The two stressed, that there is a great potential for deepening of trade and economic cooperation and considerable work is to be undertaken thereupon.

Touching upon the Lebanese Armenian community, the Ministers mentioned that having made immensely positive contribution to the socio-political, economic and cultural life of the country, the Armenian community is a reliable and firm bridge between the two friendly countries and peoples. Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Lebanon discussed cooperation possibilities between Armenian and Lebanese disapora community organizations.

At the meeting participation of the Armenian peacekeeping contingent as part of the UNIFIL mission in the south of Lebanon was reflected on. Minister Nalbandian told his counterpart that Armenia intends to increase the number of its troops deployed in Lebanon.

Developments unfolded in the Middle East were discussed at the negotiations, importance was placed to the consolidation of the international community in the fight against terrorism.

Reflecting on the high level discussion on support of the rights of Christians, particularly in the Middle East, initiated by Armenia, Lebanon, Russia and the Vatican in March at the United Nations Human Rights Council, Edward Nalbandian and Gebran Bassil emphasized the necessity of undertaking consecutive works in this direction.

Fostering of cooperation within International Organisation of La Francophonie, issues on the forthcoming Ministerial Conference in the fall in Yerevan were on the agenda of the talks.

Minister Nalbandian presented to his Lebanese counterpart efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs towards a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

Ministers of Foreign Affairs came forth with the statements for the media.

Edward Nalbandian and Gebran Bassil continued conversation during an official dinner hosted in honour of Foreign Minister of Armenia.

On May 26, in the evening, Edward Nalbandian visited Embassy of Armenia in Lebanon, where he met leaders and representatives of Lebanese Armenian community organizations, answered numerous questions of interest raised by the Lebanese Armenians.

Concluding the visit to Lebanon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia departed to Damascus.

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