Opening of the Memmorial dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide in the Swedish city of Örebro

29 May, 2015

On May 29, the opening ceremony of the memorial dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide was held in the city of Örebro, Sweden. It is the first memorial in Sweden dedicated to the Genocide, which was opened by the municipality upon the request of the inter-community Committee of coordination of Genocide Centennial Commemoration events in Örebro. The memorial has an inscription in Armenian, Aramaic, Greek and Swedish which reads "We will never forget".

The representatives of the provincial and municipal authorities, diplomats, journalists, members of the Armenian and Assyrian communities participated in the event.

The Patriarch of Antioch and All the East of the Syriac Orthodox Church H.H. Ignatius Afram 2nd, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to Sweden Mr. Artak Apitonian, Governor of Örebro Mrs. Maria Larsson, Chairman of the Örebro City Council Mrs. Agneta Blom delivered speeches.

In his speech, Ambassador Apitonian touched upon the importance of such memorials as a symbol of eternal memory of innocent victims, expressing confidence that the monument will become not only an important sanctuary for the Armenian, Assyrian and Greec communities of Örebro, but also will turn into a center of unity and mutual respect between the residents of the city. He also expressed hope that the started recognition process in the Turkish society will grow stronger and stronger over the time and one day, very soon, the representative of Turkish state will be present on such ceremonies remembering and paying tribute to innocent victims of the first genocide of the 20th century.

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