Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Armenia and the Czech Republic

25 June, 2015

On June 25, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian met Lubomír Zaorálek, Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic who is on an official visit to Yerevan.

Welcoming the guest, Minister Nalbandian highlighted the intensive mutual visits between Armenia and the Czech Republic, stressing that they contribute to further development of cooperation in different spheres and indicate the high level of relations.

Expressing gratitude for the invitation and welcome, Minister Zaorálek in his turn stressed that the Czech Republic considers Armenia as a valued friend and important partner, attaches importance to deepening and strengthening relations with Armenia, and his visit pursues that very goal.

Both sides stressed that during recent years the Armenian - Czech relations experience a dynamic development. The sides shared the opinion that high level of relations is due to the purposeful and consistent work by Embassies in Prague and Yerevan.

During negotiations steps aimed at development of bilateral relations, cooperation within international organizations, active inter-parliamentary cooperation, expanding of legal framework, deepening of trade relations were touched upon.

Sides exchanged views on Armenia - European Union cooperation, results of Riga Summit. Interlocuteurs stressed the importance of launching negotiations between Armenia - EU on the formation of new legal basis and dialogue on liberalization of visa regime.

Foreign Minister of Armenia presented to the guest the commemorative events being held in the whole world dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial and their message. Minister Nalbandian mentioned with gratitude the resolution adopted by the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic, dozens of events organized in the Czech Republic.

Sides touched upon several pressing regional issues - Ukrainian Crisis, Middle East developments.

Minister Nalbandian presented to his colleague the efforts of Armenia and OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs aimed at the resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

After the meeting Ministers had a joint press conference.

In the afternoon Edward Nalbandian and Lubomír Zaorálek attended the ceremony of official opening of a new office of the Embassy of the Czech Republic. 

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