Edward Nalbandian delivered a lecture at the Faculty of International Relations of YSU on the occasion of the start of the academic year

01 September, 2015

On September 1 Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian visited Yerevan State University where traditionally he had the first lecture of the academic year at the Faculty of International Relations of YSU. The event was attended by the leadership of YSU and the Faculty, professors, lecturers.

Edward Nalbandian congratulated the guests upon the start of the year and wished a fruitful academic year.

Addressing his speech to the first-year students, Minister Nalbandian wished success to them who represent one of the most renowned faculties of YSU by encouraging them to study well, inasmuch as the bases of becoming a good specialist will be laid during the university study. The minister also added that today the bulk of Armenian diplomats are alumni of the faculty of International relations, who joined the ranks of Armenian diplomatic service via the MFA Diplomatic School of Armenia.

During his speech and the Q&A session Edward Nalbandian presented Armenia’s approach towards a number of regional and international problems as well as the ways of their solution.

Touching upon the issue of commemoration of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Edward Nalbandian noted.

“This year is special for us, since the whole world commemorates the Centennial of the first genocide of 20th century - the Armenian Genocide. With that regard the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, our diplomats have implemented consistent work to carry out the instructions of the President of Armenia.

We attach importance to the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide in terms of restoration of historical justice for worldwide Armenians, the prevention of future genocides and combating against denial, as well as in terms of creating peace and stability in our region, building mutual trust and neighborly relations.

The Centennial can be considered as a new beginning in terms of recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide.

The process of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is moving forward at different levels and directions.

In this regard, heads of various countries and international organizations have made statements.

I would like to single out especially the Mass delivered by Pope Francis I in St. Peter's Basilica on April 12 on the occasion of the Armenian Genocide Centennial and his very important message.

On April 24 a number of high-ranking delegations from dozens of countries and international organizations were in Yerevan, and, of course, the Presidents of France, Russia, Serbia, Cyprus, who delivered speeches and messages on this occasion.

The statement of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany was especially important in which he not only paid tribute to the innocent Armenian victims massacred in the Ottoman Empire in the guise of First World War, but also spoke of Germany's responsibility in that crime.

On the occasion of the Centennial the legislative bodies of different countries have adopted resolutions condemning Mets Yeghern: the two Chambers of the Parliament of Bolivia, the Parliaments of Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium, Chambers of Deputies of Chile, Brazil, Senates of Canada and other parliaments.

The process of recognition and condemnation will continue in the frameworks of the international organizations as well, among which I would like to single out the resolutions adopted by the European Parliament and the Latin American Parliament, the hundreds of deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, as well as the statement of the Secretary General's of OIF.

The active role in the international efforts for the prevention of genocide occupies an important place in the Armenia's foreign policy agenda. During years Armenia has made various initiatives. This year, on March 27 in Geneva, in the UN Human Rights Council a resolution on the prevention of genocides initiated by Armenia was adopted by consensus, which was co-authored by 72 countries.

The resolution affirms that impunity for the crime of genocide and crimes against humanity and attempts of their justification encourages their occurrence and are an obstacle to the efforts aimed at prevention of genocide.

With the aim of raising awareness in the international community about the Armenian Genocide through the close cooperation of diplomatic missions and diaspora structures thousands of events were organized in Armenia and abroad.

Hundreds of articles and reports about the Armenian Genocide were published and broadcasted in renowned international media.

The “Politique Internationale” journal, one of the most renowned international political science journals published in Paris, composed of 330 pages, in English and French languages, dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial a special publication, where among other articles, were included the publications of the President of Armenia, France’s incumbent and former Presidents as well as numerous articles of renowned genocide scholars.

In this context great importance was attached to the Global Forum "Against the Crime of Genocide" held on April 22-23, attended by five hundred high-ranking politicians, parliamentarians, religious leaders, scholars and experts from more than 50 countries. The ideas and proposals voiced at the forum will be an important complement to the global fight against genocide prevention efforts. As you know, a proposal was made by the participants of the forum to organize such conferences regularly.

The President of Armenia invited his Turkish counterpart to Yerevan on April 24 to participate in events commemorating the Centennial of the Genocide. The invitation remained unanswered, becoming another lost opportunity for the Turkish government. Moreover, on the same day they organized events commemorating the battle of Gallipoli, making apparently a failed attempt to divert international attention from events in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide".

Armenia's Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian touched upon the process of the Nagorno Karabakh settlement during his lecture emphasizing that despite the provocative and destructive policy of Azerbaijan, Armenia will continue cooperation with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair countries' efforts aimed at exclusively peaceful settlement of the conflict.

Responding to questions Edward Nalbandian spoke about Armenia's membership in the Eurasian Economic Union, the Armenian-Russian allied relations, the cooperation between Armenia and the United States as well as with the European Union and with neighboring countries, also a reference was made to Armenia’s growing links with other countries.

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