Edward Nalbandian meets OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs

24 September, 2015

Upon arrival in New York on the evening of September 24th, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs Igor Popov, James Warlick and Pierre Andrieu. Andrzej Kasprzyk, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office participated in the meeting.

Foreign Minister of Armenia expressed his indignation to the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs over the gross violations of the ceasefire by Azerbaijan, which caused human losses among the civilian population.

“Azerbaijan has developed a bad practice of escalating the situation, even at the expense of human casualties, on the line of contact with Nagorno-Karabakh and the border with Armenia, ahead of important visits to the region and high level meetings, thus undermining the meetings and impeding the negotiation process”, underlined Minister Nalbandian.

Strongly condemning the killing of three Armenian citizens, as a result of ceasefire violation by Azerbaijan, Minister Nalbandian said: “This yet another provocation by Azerbaijan came as a response to the expectation, expressed by the Minsk Group Co-chairs on holding productive talks between Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers in New York.”

The possible steps on stabilisation of the situation were discussed at the meeting.

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