Foreign Minister of Armenia continues his meetings in New York

26 September, 2015

On September 26, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, who is in New York on a working visit, had an agenda full of bilateral meetings.

During the meeting with the Foreign Minister of Georgia, Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Edward Nalbandian congratulated him on his appointment as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the neighboring country and expressed confidence that the Foreign Ministers of two countries will continue their joint efforts aimed at strengthening and deepening of the Armenian-Georgian friendly relations.

Giorgi Kvirikashvili expressed gratitude for the best wishes and mentioned that he had a close and effective cooperation with his Armenian counterparts as Minister of Economy of Georgia. He also added that the development of relations with Armenia is very important to Georgia.

The ministers exchanged views on expanding bilateral cooperation in various areas, attached importance to the organization of high-level mutual visits and holding of consultations between the Foreign Ministries, as well as to the close cooperation within international organizations.

The ministers also touched upon urgent regional issues. In this context, Edward Nalbandian presented to his counterpart the joint efforts of Armenia and OSCE Minsk Group aimed at the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Foreign Minister of Armenia invited his counterpart to visit Yerevan to continue the dialogue.

Edward Nalbandian and Jean-Claude Gakosso, the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Congo, discussed the opportunities to develop relations between two countries in political, economic, educational and cultural areas. In this regard they attached importance to the establishment of an respective legal framework.

During the meeting the minister exchanged views on the preparatory works of the Foreign Ministers’ Conference of the member-states International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) which will be held in Yerevan.

During the meeting with Marina Kaljurand, the Foreign Minister of Estonia, a reference was made to the organization of high-level visits, holding of consultations between the Foreign Ministries, deepening of cooperation in IT sector, as well as close cooperation within international organizations.

The sides exchanged views on the Armenia-European Union cooperation, as well as on the start of talks on a new legal basis of that cooperation.

The Ministers also discussed several urgent international and regional issues, the developments in the Middle East, and the fight against terrorism. Edward Nalbandian presented to his counterpart the situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone and the measures aimed at the stabilization of the situation.

On the same day Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the Foreign Minister of Iraq.

The sides expressed mutual satisfaction with the intensive political dialogue and deepening of trade and economic cooperation. The Ministers appreciated the activities of the embassies in Baghdad and in Yerevan aimed at the development of cooperation in various fields. In this respect, the sides outlined the importance of direct flights between the two countries, stressing that it is a serious stimulus for the expansion of cooperation.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Iraq exchanged views on the issues concerning the stabilization process in Iraq, fight against terrorism in the Middle East, as well as protection of minorities.

Ibrahim al-Jaafari presented the efforts of the Iraqi government aimed at ensuring the security in the country.

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