Reception in Switzerland on the occasion of the Independence Day of Armenia

01 October, 2015

On October 1, H.E. Mr. Charles Aznavour, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations Office in Geneva, hosted an official reception at the Grand Ballroom of the Intercontinental Hotel on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia.

President of the UN Human Rights Council, representatives of the Swiss legislative and executive authorities, UN community, diplomatic missions accredited in Bern, heads of international organizations and representatives of the Swiss-Armenian community were present at the reception.

Ambassador Aznavour mentioned in his welcoming speech that 24 years were indeed not a big period for the people having history of more than three thousand years. However, these 24 years of the Armenian Independence have been crucial for our people in terms of reintegration to the family of nations.

Ambassador expressed his gratitude to all friends of Armenia, all those who accompanied Armenia on its difficult path of development, mentioning, in particular, international community in Geneva, as well as Switzerland.

Mr. Aznavour suggested raising glasses to the Independence of Armenia, to the Armenian-Swiss friendship and to the best future of the World.

“Me and my parents have once been deprived of homeland, thus I am very happy that I have three homelands now – Armenia, France and Switzerland”, - mentioned the Ambassador.

During the reception, a quartet, composed of Armenian and Swiss musicians, performed the national anthems of Armenia and Switzerland, as well as the works by Komitas, Aram Khachaturian and other composers.

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