Edward Nalbandian received Special Envoy of Mexico

09 October, 2015

 On October 9, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian received Special Envoy of Mexico, Ambassador, Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo Verduzco, who arrived in Armenia to partake at the 31st session of the Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF).

Welcoming the guest, Edward Nalbandian mentioned, that Armenia attaches importance to the deepening of relations with Mexico in bilateral and multilateral frameworks, and opening of the embassy in the Mexico city was done for that very reason.

Expressing gratitude for the reception, Ambassador Verduzco stressed, that Mexico highly appreciates friendly cooperation with Armenia and is aimed at its further deepening.

During the meeting, steps to-be-undertaken for the expansion of bilateral ties were reflected on. Sides commended the high-level mutual contacts activated over the recent years.

Minister Nalbandian and Ambassador Verduzco exchanged thoughts over intensifying of collaboration within international institutions.

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