Ambassador Mnatsakanyan delivered statement at the UN Security Council Open Debate

17 November, 2015

On November 17, an open debate, titled “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Security, Development and Root Causes of Conflict” was held at the UN Security Council, presided over by Justine Greening, UK Secretary of State for International Development. Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Permanent Representative of Armenia delivered statement at the discussions.

Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Rwanda, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Portugal, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2015 Wided Bouchamaoui participated in the debate, including representatives of nearly 8 dozens of states.

In his remarks, Ambassador of Armenia firstly attached importance to the prevention of conflicts, at an early stages, which if not addressed, result in conflicts, major humanitarian crises and, not least, atrocity crimes. Reflecting on the latest report of the Secretary General on the matter, Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanyan mentioned, “Persistent injustice, discrimination and denial of rights, forcefully represent root causes of a conflict. We speak from experience. The human rights aspect in conflict prevention should therefore receive a prominent focus across the entire UN system. The civil society is indispensable in conflict prevention.”

“From own experience, we, in particular have been a witness to a systematic abuse of the international system and manipulation of interests aimed at disruption of an international mediation effort, forum shopping and selective interpretation of international law”, added Permanent Representative of Armenia, stressing, international consolidation for peace efforts is a desirable and indispensable objective in conflict prevention and conflict resolution.

In his statement, the Ambassador recalled that the Special Adviser and his Office deserve prominence in their efforts to detect emerging risks and reaffirmed Armenia’s commitment to contribute to the activity of the latter.

In conclusion Ambassador Mnatsakanyan mentioned that the regional context of conflict prevention requires broad recognition and support. “Armenia consistently welcomes the support of the international community, of the United Nations and of the Secretary General rendered to the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmanship in the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”, concluded Permanent Representative of Armenia. 

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