Edward Nalbandian meets Federica Mogherini

07 December, 2015

On December 7, in Brussels Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, had a meeting with Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the Commission.

During the talks, both sides expressed satisfaction with the negotiations on a new Armenia-European Union legal framework agreement that would be launched on the same day. Within this context Minister Nalbandian expressed hope, that through active discussions Armenia and the European Union will be able to agree on the new framework agreement, which will reflect the scope and depth of bilateral relations and will set new guidelines for the mutually beneficial cooperation.

Minister Nalbandian attached importance to the decision of the EU Council, which reflects the principle of differentiation towards the partners, based on the progress achieved in implementing their commitments in the areas of democratic reforms, human rights protection, rule of law and good governance.

During the meeting reference was made to the dialogue on visa liberalization.

Minister Nalbandian informed the EU High Representative about the referendum on constitutional reforms held yesterday in Armenia and its initial results .

The interlocutors touched upon the international fight against terrorism, situation in the Middle East, a number of other regional and international issues, as well as discussed the process of implementation of Iran’s nuclear deal.

Foreign Minister of Armenia presented to Federica Mogherini the efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs towards the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Federica Mogherini once again underlined the EU’s support to the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

Edward Nalbandian reaffirmed the invitation to Federica Mogherini to visit Armenia.

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