Exhibition dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and to the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Musa Dagh held in Montreal

10 December, 2015

On December 10, "The forty days of Musa Dagh: A testament to resistance in the heart of the Armenian Genocide" exhibition dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and 100th anniversary of the Battle of Musa Dagh was opened at the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre. The exhibition was organized by the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of Canada and the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre, with the participation of the Embassy of Armenia to Canada.

H.E. Armen Yeganian, Ambassador of Armenia to Canada, Bishop Abgar Hovakimian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Daniel Rabinovich, President of the Montreal Holocaust Centre, Alice Herskovitch, Executive Director of the Centre, historian Yair Auron, professor of The Open University of Israel, Frank Chalk, Director of The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS), Vazgen Ter-Galustian, son of renowned Movses Ter-Galustian, the military leader of Musa Dagh, hero officer of the Armenian Legion, social-political figure of the Armenian diaspora, as well as heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Montreal, public and political figures, diplomats, journalists, representatives of the Armenian community attended the exhibition.

In his opening remarks Ambassador Yeganian expressed his gratitude to the Canadian government for sponsoring the exhibition, as well as for the adoption of resolutions on the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. He specifically mentioned. “The exhibition occupies a unique place amongst the numerous events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide held throughout the year in various countries of the world. They helped to reaffirm that the main goal of the Genocide perpetrators failed, for the Armenian people were not annihilated, on the contrary, they were strong enough to overcome the ruthless hardships of the Genocide and were even able to revive becoming even more united and strong. Armenian people carry the gene of our compatriots of Musa Dagh. We remember our heroes and bow to them.”

On the same day within the framework of the exhibition Professor Yair Auron delivered a lecture entitled "The impact of Franz Werfel’s novel “The 40 days of Musa Dagh” on Jewish Resistance during World War II”.

The exhibition will continue untill February 11, 2016.

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