High-level meeting in Brussels on Mobility Partnership

11 December, 2015

Armenia - European Union high-level meeting on Mobility Partnership was held in Brussels aimed at the discussion of the implementation process of the joint declaration signed between Armenia, EU and its ten member states back in 2011.

The delegation of the Republic of Armenia which included the Head of the Migration State Service of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations of Armenia, Representatives of the Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs and Foreign Affairs of Armenia, as well as Armenia’s Mission to the EU, was headed by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Garen Nazarian.

During discussions with the European Commission’s Directorate-General (DG) Migration and Home Affairs, EU member states and concerned international organizations the Armenian side presented the reforms realized in Armenia in the field of migration. The sides attached importance to the continuous promotion of people-to-people contacts, possible launch of the dialogue on the visa liberalization, projects aimed at the reintegration of the citizens of Armenia after returning from EU states.

During the meeting the sides stated the progress in the implementation of the joint declaration on the Mobility Partnership and agreed to make the activities of the involved institutions and organizations, future initiatives and projects more coordinated.

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