The newly-appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Korea presented the copies of his credentials to the Foreign Minister of Armenia

14 December, 2015

On December 14, Park Ro-byug, the newly-appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Armenia (residence in Moscow), presented the copies of his credentials to Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian.

Welcoming the guest Minister Nalbandian wished the Ambassador success in his mission and expressed hope that the Ambassador will significantly contribute to the development of bilateral relations and the expansion of mutual cooperation.

Expressing gratitude for the reception and good wishes, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea assured that during his office he will do his utmost to strengthen and deepen the Armenian-Korean cooperation.

Edward Nalbandian greatly appreciated the dynamically developing partnership with Korea expressing gratitude for the technical assistance by Korea provided to the development of Armenia since its independence.

Minister Nalbandian and Ambassador Park Ro-byug touched upon a wide range of issues related to the expansion of political, economic, educational and cultural cooperation, as well as legal framework. Both sides highlighted the organization of high-level meetings, holding of consultations between the Foreign Ministries.

During the meeting the sides stressed the active work of the Korea-Armenia parliamentary friendship group aimed at the further consolidation of bilateral relations.

Foreign Minister of Armenia expressed gratitude for the event organized in the Parliament of Korea on the occasion of the Armenian Genocide Centennial.

The sides exchanged views on a number of international and regional issues and the ways of their solution. Ambassador Park Ro-byug presented the efforts aimed at strengthening peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula.

Edward Nalbandian presented to the guest the efforts exerted by Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs towards the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. 

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