Meeting of Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Hovakimian with the Council of Europe Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings

18 December, 2015

On December 18, Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Hovakimian received Leonor Ladron de Guevara y Guerrero (Spain) and David Dolidze (Georgia), experts of the CoE Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), who is paying a visit to Armenia on December 14-18, in the framework of the assessment of the second stage.

During the meeting, the experts commended Armenia’s achievements in the fight against trafficking in human beings and exploitation, as well as briefed about problems and challenges revealed during their mission.

Welcoming the guests, Deputy FM mentioned, that Armenian authorities pay close attention to the fight against trafficking, full protection of the rights of the victims of the crime and provision of possibly wide and comprehensive support to them without preconditions. He reflected on the works held in the country in this direction, attaching importance to the actions undertaken under the international obligations.

Experts of GRETA expressed their gratitude for the high level of the visit and meetings organized, commending works carried out in Armenia on the fight against trafficking, the continuous work of the Council and the Working group. They informed that the Second Report on Armenia would be published at the end of 2016, afterwards the Report would be approved and respective recommendations and offers to improve the field would be made to Armenia. 

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